- 「Rehersal」は「rehearsal」の間違ったスペルです。
- 「Rehearsal」はパフォーマンス、プレゼンテーション、またはイベントが聴衆の前で行われる前に練習または実行すること。
「Rehearsal」は個々の場面を本番と同様に進行させて、進行を確認する行為であります。 同義語や類義語には下稽古・予行演習があり、業界用語としての略称にはリハなども使われます。 演劇におけるリハーサルでは、役者の立ち位置や照明の調整が行われ、また設置機材の位置関係の調節も検討されます。

下のグラフを見てみると、「rehersal」と「rehearsal」の使い方に大きなギャップがあることがわかります 「rehearsal」という言葉の使用が増えています。

「Rehearsal」ではなく「rehersal」のスペルミスは、単純な入力ミスや校正ミスによって発生する可能性がある一般的な誤字です。 人々は素早く入力したり、細心の注意を払わなかったりするときに、うっかり「e」と「a」の文字を置き換えることがあります。
- Rehearshal
- Rehearsel
- Reherasal
- Rehursal
- The theater troupe gathered for a rigorous rehearsal, meticulously refining their scenes for the upcoming play.
- The conductor led the orchestra through a final rehearsal, ensuring every instrument harmonized perfectly for the concert.
- Before the big presentation, the speakers held a thorough rehearsal, practicing their speeches to enhance clarity and impact.
- The dance troupe spent hours in rehearsal, perfecting their choreography and synchronizing their movements for the upcoming performance.
- The choir members engaged in a vocal rehearsal, fine-tuning their harmonies and ensuring a cohesive sound for the upcoming concert.
- The film director conducted a rehearsal with the actors to work on key scenes and ensure a seamless flow in the movie.
- The wedding party gathered for a rehearsal, practicing the ceremony to ensure smooth transitions on the actual day.
- The cast of the musical rehearsed the intricate dance numbers to perfection, aiming for a spectacular performance on opening night.
- In preparation for the art exhibition, the artists held a rehearsal to arrange and showcase their pieces in the most visually appealing way.
- The band members spent hours in rehearsal, honing their musical skills and perfecting the setlist for the upcoming concert.
Rehersal vs. Rehearsal: Which is Correct?
“Rehersal” is the incorrect spelling of “rehearsal.” “Rehearsal” is a practice or run-through of a performance, presentation, or event before it takes place in front of an audience.

Definition of REHEARSAL
something recounted or told again : recital; a private performance or practice session preparatory to a public appearance; a practice exercise : trial… See the full definition