「Your reputation precedes you」とは人々はあなたに会う前に聞いたことや読んだことに基づいてあなたについての意見を形成することを意味します。


なので、「Your reputation precedes you」と言う表現の正確な意味を知ることはビズネス英語にとって大事です。




例)Team, I'd like you to meet Sarah, our new marketing specialist. Sarah, your reputation precedes you; we've heard great things about your innovative campaigns.



例)John, this is Alex. He's the CEO of XYZ Company. Alex, John's reputation precedes him; he's known for his expertise in project management.



例)Jennifer, this is Michael, the candidate for the senior analyst role. Michael, your reputation precedes you; your analytical skills and attention to detail have impressed our team.


It's become a cliché of the digital age: Thanks to Google, your reputation precedes you. - The New York Times

If you're late or rude, your reputation may precede you and nobody will want to work with you. - WikiHow

... I wasn't alone.Ramsay's reputation precedes his arrival. In America it has been fashioned by "Hell's Kitchen: a dozen semi-competent cooks in a "reality" ... - The New York Times


「Your reputation precedes you」と言う表現は曖昧または懐疑的な口調で使用する場合、特に不適切またはカジュアルな文脈で意図しない否定性を伝えることがあります。具体性の欠如、ネガティブなことへの過度の強調、ステレオタイプへの依存は誤解を招く可能性があります。さらに、誇張や不真面目な使用、特にゴシップにおいては、人間関係を害し、好ましくない雰囲気を引き起こす可能性があります。ポジティブな既存の意味を伝えるためには、文脈とトーンを注意した方が良いです。


  1. You have quite a reputation.
  2. Your name is well-known.
  3. People speak highly of you.
  4. You are famous for...
  5. I've heard a lot about you.
  6. You come highly recommended.
  7. Your track record is impressive.
  8. Your standing precedes you.
  9. You've made a name for yourself.
  10. Your character precedes you.


  1. You're a blank slate.
  2. I haven't heard much about you.
  3. Your reputation doesn't precede you.
  4. You're an unknown entity.
  5. I'm not familiar with your background.
  6. You're a mystery to me.
  7. I don't have any preconceived notions about you.
  8. Your track record is a clean slate.
  9. You're starting with a clean slate.
  10. I don't have any pre-existing opinions about you.



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How to Use the Idiom “Your Reputation Precedes You” in Everyday Conversation
“Your reputation precedes you” is a sentence in the present simple tense and it encapsulates the idea that people form opinions about you based on what they’ve heard or read before meeting you.
Council Post: If Your Reputation Truly Precedes You, What Does It Say?
Maintaining a good reputation is hard work, but losing one is all too easy.