
Threwは、動詞throwの過去形で、throughは前置詞、副詞、形容詞としても使用できます。一方、thruはどうでしょうか? Thruは、throughのスペルを間違った表現と推測され、正しい表記ではありません。したがって、格調のある作文では使わない方がいいです。

出典: Getty Images Signature


Threw (past tense of verb throw)

Main definitions of throw (verb):

  • To propel an object or body part with force through air
Example: I threw a baseball.
  • Cause to enter a certain condition, state, or place
Example: Her emotions were thrown into turmoil.
  • To deliver (a punch)
Example: The boxer quickly threw a punch at his opponent.
  • To direct (a look or facial expression)
Example: She threw a glance at her sister.
  • To roll (a die)
Example: He threw the die in hopes for a 6.
  • To obtain (a number on a die)
Example: He threw a 6, which is the highest number on the die.
  • To confuse
Example: She was thrown off by his sudden change in behavior.
  • To have (a fit or tantrum)
Example: Her son threw a fit when he couldn’t get what he wanted.
  • To give or hold (a party)
Example: He threw a small birthday party for his friend.
出典: Emmanuel Adegbenro

Through (preposition, adverb, adjective)

(1) Main definitions of through (preposition and adverb)

  • Move in one side and out of the other side of something
Example (preposition): The car went through the tunnel.
Example (adverb):The runner came running through.
  • Continuing in time toward completion of a process or period
Example (preposition): She sat through the long lecture patiently.
Example (adverb): She will be studying right through to the end of summer vacation.
  • To complete a stage or process successfully
Example (preposition): He had come through the examination.
Example (adverb): He managed to push through.
  • Inspect all parts
Example (preposition): He flipped through the textbook.
Example (adverb): He read the letter through quickly.
  • (preposition only) expressing the position or location of something beyond or at the far end of something
Example (preposition): The auditorium is through that doorway.
  • (preposition only) up to and including (Jan 1st through Jan 3rd)
Example (preposition): The construction will continue from January 1st through January 29th.
  • (preposition only) by means of (a process or an intermediary)
Example (preposition): The cell will gain water through osmosis.
  • (adverb only) to be connected by telephone
Example (adverb): I will put the call through to Jane.

(2) Main definitions of through (adjective):

  • Continuing or valid to a final destination
Example: He took a through train from New York City.
  • Describing traffic that passes from one side to another
Example: That store gets many customers because it is on a through road.
  • (informal) done or finished
Example: They were through with each other.



A simple rule of thumb


Practice questions

  1. threw/through the basketball back to the teenagers.
  2. Did you manage to get threw/through the crowd?
  3. The moving toy threw/through the toddler off who tilted his head in confusion.
  4. The twins threw/through their heads back and laughed almost in synchronization.
  5. The sunlight seeped threw/through the thin curtains.
  6. The authorities threw/through the criminals into jail.
  7. Plants create chemical energy threw/through photosynthesis.
  8. Little Penelope threw/through a tantrum at the mall because her father would not buy her ice cream.
  9. The arrow went straight threw/through the target to everyone’s surprise.
  10. George ran threw/through the forest and up the hill.
出典: pixabay

Answers to practice questions:

  1. threw
  2. through
  3. threw
  4. threw
  5. through
  6. threw
  7. through
  8. threw
  9. through
  10. through


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Threw vs. Through
Although threw and through have the same pronunciation, they are two completely different words with difference meanings. Threw is the past tense of the verb throw. Meanwhile through is can be used as a preposition, adverb, and adjective.