東洋英語で文脈によって「the east」、「the eastern world」、「the orieint」と言います。
The East
「The East」はアジア、特に東部と南部アジアを指します。
- Cultural traditions in the East often emphasize harmony and balance. (東洋の文化的伝統はしばしば調和と均衡を強調する。)
- Silk, a luxurious fabric, was first produced in the East. (豪華な布であるシルクは東洋で初めて生産された。)
- The East has witnessed rapid economic development in recent decades. (東洋はここ数十年で速い経済発展を見てきた。)
The Eastern World
「The Eastern World」は東洋自体を含めて、東洋の文化、社会、価値観などを全て含める概念です。
- The Eastern world has played a significant role in global trade and Commerce. (東洋は世界貿易と商業に重大な役割を果たした。)
- Martial arts, deeply rooted in the Eastern world, have gained global popularity. (東洋に深い根を持つ武術は全世界的な人気を得た。)
- Tea ceremonies, a cultural hallmark in the Eastern world, symbolize tranquility and respect. (東洋の文化的特徴である茶道は平穏と尊重を象徴する。)
The Orient
「The Orient」はアジアの東部、東南部に位置する国を指します。
- The Orient has a rich history of astronomy and early scientific advancements. (東洋は天文学と初期科学的発見の豊かな歴史を持っている。)
- Ancient trade routes connected the Occident and the Orient, facilitating cultural exchange. (古代の貿易路は西洋と東洋を連結させて文化的交流を容易にした。)
- The Orient has been a source of fascination for Western explorers throughout history. (東洋は歴史的に西欧の探検家たちに魅惑的な場所だった。)
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동양 영어로 (The East, The Eastern World, The Orient 차이와 뜻)
‘동양’은 영어로 맥락에 따라 the East, the Eastern world, the Orient로 표현합니다.동양은 보통 우리나라를 포함하여 일본, 중국, 인도, 태국 등 아시아 동부와 남부의 국가들을 나타냅니다. 동양을 의미하는 몇 가지 영단어들에 대해 아래에서 자세히 알아보도록 합시다.

1. the direction from which the sun rises in the morning, opposite to the west…

Eastern world - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Orient
1. the countries of East and Southeast Asia 2. to aim something at someone or…