- (名詞) 視覚、嗅覚、聴覚、味覚及び触覚を与える外部刺激を認識する表現
Example: A dog’s sense of smell is thousands of times stronger than a human’s.
- (名詞) 何かが事実であることを感じる感覚
Example: I had a sense that no one in the room was telling the truth.
- (名詞) 正気であり、現実的・合理的・理解できる態度、もしくは理性的な根拠
Example: It made sense that the first person in the office should turn on the lights.
- (動詞) 視覚、嗅覚、聴覚、味覚、触覚または、感覚で認知する。
Example: Animals can sense when a natural disaster is coming.
- (動詞) 感知する。
Example: The metal detector senses a piece of metal in this box.
The statistics
Google Books Ngram Viewerで確認してみると、Google Booksデータベース内で出版された本に"sence"のように間違った単語は一切使用されない一方、正しく表現された"sense"が広範囲に使われていることが分かります。
Example sentences
- Humans’ sense of touch is thanks to the nerve cells in our bodies that send signals to our brain.
- Wally had a sense that something was off with Charlie today.
- The concept was finally starting to make sense after our physics teacher guided us through the experiment.
- Kathy felt a sense of responsibility for the lost child even though she had just met him.
- Peter had a fine sense of what made upper management laugh.
- I admired Roy’s social skills and great sense.
- Luke thought the new OKR system made no sense and that the company should revert back to the old one.
- Deangelo was told that he has no common sense by several people throughout his lifetime.
- Joshua claims he can sense ghosts in the warehouse, but I don’t believe him.
- A bat has a great sense of hearing and uses its echo to navigate caves.
- cents: 通貨の単位であるcentの複数形
- scents:「特定の匂い」という意味であるscentの複数形
- cense(古語、archaic):香を燃やして意識的に匂いを加える。
Other commonly misspelled words
Cが、S音とK音の両方で発音されることがあるため、CとSの両方を持つ単語のスペルを間違って書く場合があります。 以下はその例示です。
- absence (correct), absense (misspelling)
- nonsense (correct), nonsence (misspelling)
- license (US, verb in UK), licence (noun in UK), lisense (misspelling)
- incense (correct), insence (misspelling), insense (misspelling)
- sauce (correct), sause (misspelling)
Common phrases containing "Sense"
単語「sense」は、「common sense」「sense of responsibility.」のように、いくつかの慣用句と表現として使われます。次は「sense」の一般的な表現です。
- Todd had great fashion sense, and he loved to wear borderline avant-garde outfits to work.
- Jo is loved by everyone she meets because of her great sense of humor.
- A kind of sixth sense told Hank that he should look over his shoulder in this mysterious neighborhood.
- The interrogator tried to talk some sense into the mentally unstable suspect.
- I lost a sense of time while gardening the other day.
- In that sense, we should work together on this project, not compete with one another.
- Katie couldn’t make any sense out of the business proposal she was asked to look over.
- The prideful man was tearing up, but I had the sense to pretend I didn’t notice.
- I can’t see the sense in rating our coworkers’ performances when we haven’t even worked with all of them.
- Samuel thought it made more sense to let the designer come up with the layout instead of trying to incorporate everyone’s input.
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Sence vs. Sense
Is the correct spelling sence or sense? The only correct spelling is sense in today’s English. Let us take a look at the main definitions of sense.