「ラン·オン·センテンス」をそのまま解釈すると、「続く文章」、漢字では「無終止文」と書かれ、「終結していない文章」という意味です。つまり、2つ以上の独立した節(independent clauses)の間に文章符号または、接続詞が付かずに続けて並んでいる文章を言います。この場合、文章の間違った解釈だけではなく、文法的にも正しくありません。


つまり、些細な事に見えますが、正しい英作文のためには気を配らないといけない要素の1つです。 次の例を見てみましょう。

Example 1: My hair was wet I dried it with a towel then I dried it with a hair dryer.
→  My hair was wet. I dried it with a towel. I dried it with a hair dryer.
→  My hair was wet, so I dried it with a towel. Then, I dried it with a hair dryer.


今回は、カンマを間違って使って(Comma Splices)、文章を区分して例を見てみましょう。これは非ネイティブの人によく見られる間違いです。

Example 2: The store was full of children, they were so loud that my ears started hurting.
→ The store was full of children. They were so loud that my ears started hurting.



もし、文章内にの2つの節が独立した文章として表現できる場合、接続詞(and, or, but etc.)を入れるか、カンマ、セミコロン(semicolon)などの適切な句読点を使って文章を分けて表現します。


I turned in the survey yesterday in person I didn’t know I could do it online.
→ I turned in the survey yesterday in person; I didn’t know I could do it online.
That batch of semiconductors were defective, all of them had to be recalled.
→ That batch of semiconductors were defective, so all of them had to be recalled.
The feline protected her kits with her life She wouldn’t let anything harm them.
→ The feline protected her kits with her life. She wouldn’t let anything harm them.
Zac stayed up all night to finish the research paper now he’s falling asleep in class.
→ Zac stayed up all night to finish the research paper. Now he’s falling asleep in class.
無料英文チェッカー / 英語校正 - Engram
Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。


Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices
Run-on sentences are common within the writing of people whose first language is not English and in casual sentences of native speakers of the language. A run-on is a sentence with multiple independent clauses or sentences that are not joined or separated properly