退職届、または辞職届は英語で一般的に「resignation letter」または「letter of resignation」と言います。



Dear [上司の名前],

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as [職名] at [会社名], effective [退職日]. After careful consideration, I have decided that it is in the best interest of my career to move on to new opportunities.​

I have enjoyed my time at [会社名] and am grateful for the experiences and opportunities it has provided me. I have learned a great deal and have had the privilege of working with talented colleagues.

I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition during the notice period. Please let me know how I can assist in the handover process.

I want to express my appreciation for the support and guidance I have received during my time here. I wish [会社名] continued success in the future.​

Thank you for the understanding, and I hope we can part on good terms.



  • She handed in her resignation letter to her manager, officially ending her employment with the company. (彼女は自分の退職届を上司に提出し、会社との雇用を正式に終えました。)
  • John's resignation letter was well-received by the HR department, and they initiated the process of finding his replacement. (ジョンの辞職届は人事部署でよく受け入れられ、彼の代替人員を探す過程を始めました。)
  • The resignation letter cited personal reasons for the employee's departure, leaving the company with the task of filling the vacant position. (その辞職届はその職員の退社に対する個人的な理由に言及し、会社に空席を埋める作業を残しました。)
  • In her resignation letter, Sarah expressed her gratitude for the opportunities she had at the company and her excitement about her new job. (サラは辞職届で自分が会社で持った機会に対する感謝を表現し、新しい職場に対する期待感を示しました。)
  • The CEO was surprised to receive a resignation letter from one of the company's top executives and requested a meeting to discuss the reasons behind the decision. (CEOは会社の最高経営責任者の一人から退職届をもらって驚き、この決定の理由を議論するために会議を要請しました。)



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사직서 영어로 (Resignation letter 또는 Letter of resignation 및 예시 문장)
‘사직서’를 영어로 표현할 때 일반적으로 “resignation letter” 또는 “letter of resignation”라고 합니다. 이것은 고용주에게 근로자가 조직에서 퇴사하고자 함을 통보하는 공식 문서입니다.