
無料英文チェッカー / 英語校正 - Engram
Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。



 • 志願する専攻分野を直接担当もしくは、研究する方ならさらにいいです。
• 時間的に十分余裕を持って、事前にお願いすることも大事です。
 • 理想的なケースは、メールで推薦状を依頼する前に、あらかじめ直接会って推薦の件を話し合っておくことです。
• 学校名・専攻分野、もしくはどんなポジションに志願するか、詳しい情報を提供します。
 • 中長期のキャリア目標も含まれるといいでしょう。
 • いつまで推薦状をもらわないといけないか、期限に関する情報も重要です。
• 推薦人が自分について記憶できるイベントがあったら言及します。
 • 例えば、どんな授業でどのような成績をとり、どんな発表やプロジェクトを行ったかなどです。
• 履歴書や他の役に立ちそうな情報を提供します。
• 推薦期限が近づいた時にリマインダーメールを送ります。
• 推薦状のお礼と合格可否に関するアップデート情報についても後で連絡します。



Sloan PetersがMr. Rooneyに推薦を依頼する内容です。 名前とファイル名、そして専攻分野は仮想のものです。

Email subject line: Peters, Sloan - Letter of Recommendation Request

Dear Mr. Rooney,

Hope you’re having a great day. I am applying to Harvard University as an Applied Physics major and was wondering if you could write a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I’ve taken both your introductory physics and AP Physics class, and I also attended the summer excursion you hosted for the Physics and Robotics Exhibition in Mountain View.

I was actually inspired to delve deeper into physics because I grew to love the subject after taking your classes. To tell you the truth, I never thought of going into this field before. I enjoyed the critical thinking and hands-on experiments involved in your physics classes to the point where I came to want to pursue physics as a career.

I attached both my resume and cover letter to this email. I wanted to highlight that I scored well in both of the classes I took with you, and I remember you particularly liked my mini roller coaster project for demonstrating potential and kinetic energy.

Please let me know if you would be willing to support my candidacy for Harvard University. The due date for my application is February 2nd, and I will provide the website for submitting the letter and all other necessary information if you decided to endorse my application.

Thank you very much for all you have taught me throughout the years.

Kind regards,

Sloan Peters, class of 20XX

Aspiring Physicist


Attached file names:




FerrisがStein教授に推薦を依頼する内容です。 すでにFerrisが口頭でStein教授に推薦の件を頼んだ状況です。 名前とファイル名、そして専攻分野は仮想のものです。

Email subject line: Request for Letter of Recommendation, Ferris

Dear Professor Stein,

Thank you for agreeing to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf for my application to  the Stanford Graduate School of Business. This really means a lot to me.

I enjoyed the two classes I took with you over the course of this year, and I’m proud to say I haven’t missed a single class throughout the whole year. I learned a lot in your Game Theory and Advanced Microeconomics classes, and I would like to further pursue my studies in Economics and Business in graduate school.

I have attached my resume so you could get an idea of the economics-related internships I have done along with my academic achievements in economics courses in undergraduate. The due date for the letter of recommendation for the Stanford Graduate School of Business is November 30th.

Please let me know, and if you need any additional information, you can reach me via email or cell, ferrisb@engram.us and (555) 555-5555 respectively.

Thank you again. I really appreciate it.

Kind regards,



Attached file names:



Camryn FriarがWheelberg教授に推薦を依頼する内容です。 名前とファイル名、そしてポジション名は仮想のものです。

Email subject line: Request for letter of recommendation (Camryn Friar)

Dear Professor Wheelberg,

Good evening.

I am applying for a Laboratory Specialist position at Purdue University and wanted to ask if you would be comfortable vouching for me with a letter of recommendation for my job application.

I have studied and worked under you as both a student and part-time lab assistant for one and a half years now. I took three of the four courses you taught related to botany and genetic bioengineering of flora and fauna, and I got high scores in all three of those classes.

As a lab assistant, I assisted you in your most recent findings for the thesis you wrote for publication. I handled all cell culture tubes and was also in charge of filing the reports.

I provided my resume and I more detailed cover letter that would hopefully help with the process if you decide to write the letter of recommendation. The deadline for the submission of the letter of recommendation on Purdue University’s site portal is January 6th, and I will be more than happy to help you out with the technical aspects if needed.

Let me know what you decide.

Thanks so much,

Camryn Friar

Attached file names:



上記のサンプルで名前と内容を少し書き換えて、本人に適切なメールを作成してみてください。 Eメールを作成する過程で文法に自信がなかったり、自然な表現なのかどうか確信が持てない場合は、Engramを使ってみてください。 ぎこちない表現を校正し、自然な表現を提案します。


無料英文チェッカー / 英語校正 - Engram
Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。


How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation (Template + Tips)
A strong letter of recommendation can be the deciding factor in getting into your desired school or landing your dream job.
Best Way to Get a Recommendation from a Professor
Learn how to ask a college professor for a recommendation, get tips for the best way to ask for a reference, and see letters requesting a recommendation examples.
Emailing Your Professor for a Letter of Recommendation
That awkward moment when you have to ask a professor or teacher for a letter of recommendation that makes you sound like the best candidate there is for college admission, graduate school, or an academic job.