Noah replaced the wheel for the car. → Noah replaced the wheel of the car.

「Of」と「for」、この2つの単語の違いは何でしょうか? スペルを見ると、2つの単語は同じアルファベットを2つも共有していますが、全く異なる意味を持っています。

「For」に代わって使用できる熟語の例として、「for the sake of~」、「for the purpose of~」または「on behalf of~」などがあります。

もし、「Noah is replacing the wheel for the sake of the car」の文章をネイティブの人に見せると、ぎこちない表現だと反応するでしょう。自動車(car)は生きている生命体ではないので、Noahが何かをしたところで感情を感じることはできません。したがって、「~のために」という意味を持つ「for the sake of~」(for)熟語を使ってはいけません。

「Of」は、所有物を表現する時に活用する前置詞です。つまり、「to consist of~」のように何かを引き起こす状況を描写する時に使うことができます。




Matt bought some flowers for his mom.
Matt purchased flowers for the sake of his mom.
The new equipment was for cleaning up the beach.
The new equipment was for the purpose of cleaning up the beach.
Mia spoke for her absent father at the meeting.
Mia spoke on behalf of her father who was not there at the meeting.


The beak of a pelican looks like a large pouch.
The pelican possesses a beak that looks like a large pouch.
Ava drank a cup of water.
Ava drank from a cup consisting of water.
Grandma died of cancer nine years ago.
Cancer is what caused Grandma to die nine years ago.

次の例は、of・ for の前置詞の使用によって意味が全く異なくなるケースです。

Jill is afraid of Lucas.
Jill is afraid for Lucas

最初の文章は、JillはLucasの何らかの行為もしくは状態によって恐怖を感じているという意味です。 しかし、2つ目の文章は全く異なる解釈となります。JillがLucasの代わりに恐怖を感じている意味です。



  1. We found out that Levi was the son of/for the CEO.
  2. The statue is made of/for carved wood.
  3. Isabel took an extra piece of candy of/for her daughter at home.
  4. Did Ashton close the back door of/for the building when he got off work?
  5. The dog will die of/for starvation if we don’t feed it.
  6. Mother said, “Get a good education of/for a better future.”
  7. Evelyn got a book off the shelf of/for me because I was too short to reach it.
  8. The whiskers of/for a cat sense vibrations in the air.
  9. Do you think the company made the new sports facility of/for its staff?
  10. A water molecule is comprised of/for two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
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Answers to the practice questions:

  1. of
  2. of
  3. for
  4. of
  5. of
  6. for
  7. for
  8. of
  9. for
  10. of


Of vs. For
Some of the main uses of for is to express for the sake of, for the purpose of, or on behalf of. It would be strange to say Noah is replacing the wheel for the sake of the car because the car is not a living, breathing organism that would appreciate the new wheel.
What is the difference between “of” and “for”?
Answer (1 of 9): Prepositions tend not to have absolute meanings, but express general ideas of location, movement, purpose, direction, possession and so on. We often find that prepositions are used differently in different languages - and even in English, there are differences between North Ameri…
Difference Between Of and For in English Grammar | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
Of vs For in English Grammar Since of and for are prepositions that are commonly interchanged by many, it is essential to know the difference betw
Of vs. For: Differences and Proper Grammar Use
The difference between “of” and “for” is subtle, but you can learn to say what you mean with fun sentence examples.