「LMK」(または「lmk」、「Lmk」)とはテキストで使用される「Let Me Know」の略語です。この表現は話者が相手に情報を伝えたいとき使う表現であります。

例えば、友達から「Hey, are you free this weekend? (週末に予定ある?)」と言うメッセージに予定があるかも知らないと答えました。その時、友達は「Okay, LMK」と返事します。ということは、あなたがまだ忙しいかどうか、できれば週末までに相手に知らせてくれると言う意味を含めています。「LMK」はカジュアルなマナーで情報を要請する方法であります。



  1. Hey, are you up for a movie night this Saturday? LMK if you're down!
  2. I'm thinking of ordering pizza for dinner. Lmk if you want to join.
  3. Did you finish that project? LMK when you have an update.
  4. Planning a picnic this weekend. Interested? LMK your thoughts.
  5. We're having a game night at my place. lmk if you're down to join.
  6. Thinking of hitting the beach on Sunday. LMK if you're interested.
  7. There's a sale at the mall this weekend. Wanna go shopping? LMK!
  8. I heard you're a fan of hiking. Planning to climb a trail this Saturday. LMK if you're up for it.
  9. Going to the museum on Friday. Interested? LMK if you want to join.
  10. Meeting up for a study session. Lmk if you're available.



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Lmk (LMK) Meaning and Examples
“LMK” (often written as “lmk” or “Lmk”) is an abbreviation used in text messages for “let me know.” It is used to express that the speaker wants the other person to provide information or updates on a particular topic.
LMK Meaning: What Does LMK Mean? - Capitalize My Title
LMK meaning? The definition of LMK is simply “let me know,” but how do you use LMK in conversations? Find out here without our LMK guide.