「入院する」は英語で「admit to hospital」、「hospitalize」などで表現できます。


Admit to Hospital

「Admit to hospital」は医療的ケアが必要な誰かを患者として病院にいわせる行為や過程を表す時に使われます。


  • The doctor decided to admit Anne to the hospital for further tests.(医師はより精密な検査のため、アンを病院に入院させることに決めた。)
  • Ben's sudden illness forced his family to admit her to the hospital. (ベンの感作な発病は彼の家族に彼を病院に入院させるほかなかった。)
  • Grace's condition deteriorated, prompting the healthcare team to admit her to the hospital without delay. (グレースの状態は悪化し、医療スタッフは遅滞なく彼女を病院に入院させなければならなかった)




  • The accident was serious enough to necessitate hospitalizing the injured driver immediately. (その事故は負傷した運転者を直ちに病院に入院させたほど深刻だった。)
  • The physician opted to hospitalize the patient to closely monitor their recovery.(医師は注意深く回復を観察するために患者を入院させることを決定した。)
  • Following a thorough examination, the medical team decided to hospitalize Mia for specialized treatment.(綿密な検査の後、医療スタッフは迷子を特殊治療のため入院させることを決定した。)



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입원하다 영어로 (Admit to Hospital, Hospitalize 차이와 뜻)
‘입원하다‘는 영어로 admit to hospital, hospitalize 등으로 표현할 수 있습니다.다양한 이유로 사람들이 치료와 회복을 위해 병원에 기거하며 머무르는 것을 ‘입원한다’고 합니다. 이를 영어로는 어떻게 말할 수 있을지 아래에서 함께 알아보도록 합시다.
hospital admission
1. the act or process of allowing someone to enter a hospital as a patient…
1. to take someone to hospital and keep them there for treatment: 2. to take…