




  • The brave firefighter rescued the kitten from the tree. (勇敢な消防士が子猫を木から救助した。)
  • The firefighter wore protective gear to enter the hazardous environment. (消防士は危険な環境に入るために保護装備を着用した。)
  • The firefighter skillfully operated the fire truck's equipment. (消防士は上手に消防車の装備を扱った。)




  • After years of service, he became a respected and experienced fireman. (数年間の勤務の後、彼は尊敬され経験豊富な消防士になった。)
  • The children were excited to visit the fire station and meet a friendly fireman.(子供たちは消防署に訪問して親切な消防士に会おうと興奮していた。)
  • The fireman carried an injured pet to safety during a rescue operation. (消防士が救助作戦中に負傷したペットを安全な場所に持って行った。)



  • The firewoman courageously entered the burning building to save lives. (消防士は命を救うため勇敢に燃える建物に入った。)
  • She underwent extensive training to become a proficient and reliable firewoman. (彼女は熟練して頼もしい消防士になるために大々的な訓練を受けた。)
  • The firewoman skillfully operated the firefighting equipment to control the flames.(消防士が火を消すために上手に消防装備を扱った。)
  • The firewoman courageously entered the burning building to save lives. (消防士は命を救うため勇敢に燃える建物に入った。)
  • She underwent extensive training to become a proficient and reliable firewoman. (彼女は熟練して頼もしい消防士になるために大々的な訓練を受けた。)
  • The firewoman skillfully operated the firefighting equipment to control the flames. (消防士が火を消すために上手に消防装備を扱った。)



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소방수, 소방관 영어로 (Firefighter, Fireman, Firewoman 차이와 뜻)
‘소방관’은 영어로 firefighter, fireman, firewoman 등으로 표현합니다.소방관들은 화재나 사고의 현장에 달려가 시민들을 돕고 생명을 구하기도 하는 사람들입니다. 이런 소방관들을 일컫는 몇 가지 영어 표현들을 아래에서 자세히 알아보도록 합시다.
1. a person whose job is to stop fires from burning 2. a person whose job is to…
1. a man whose job is to stop unwanted fires from burning 2. a man whose job is…
Definition of FIREWOMAN
a female firefighter… See the full definition