皿洗いは文脈によって「do the dishes」、「wash the dishes」、「washing up」、「dishwashing」と表現できます。
Do the Dishes/Wash the Dishes
「Do the dishes」と「wash the dishes」は両方「皿を洗う」と言う意味の動詞句です。 どちらでも使えます。
- I'll do the dishes while you relax and watch TV.(あなた TVを見ながら休んでいる間、皿洗いは私がするよ。)
- It's a good habit to do the dishes right after eating to keep the kitchen clean. (食べ物を食べてからすぐに皿洗いをすることは台所をきれいに保つのに良い習慣だ。)
- She dislikes doing the dishes but knows it's a necessary task. (彼女は皿洗いをするのが好きではないがしなければならないことを知っている。)
Washing up
「Washing up」は「皿洗い」と同じ使用ができる名詞です。主にイギリスで使う表現です。
- After the picnic, everyone helped with the washing up by the lake. (遠足が終わり、みんな湖畔で皿洗いを手伝った。)
- In our household, we take turns doing the washing up. (我が家では順番に一度ずつ皿洗いをする。)
- Let's make a deal: I'll cook, and you do the washing up. (じゃ、 私が料理をするにはあなたが皿洗いをする。)
- She prefers to do the dishwashing by hand rather than using the dishwasher. (彼女は食器洗浄機を使うより手で皿洗いをすることを好む。)
- Dishwashing is a crucial part of kitchen hygiene. (皿洗いは台所衛生の重要な部分である。)
- Before bedtime, we completed the dishwashing to avoid a messy kitchen in the morning. (寝る前、私たちは朝汚い台所に向き合うのを避けるために皿洗いを終えた。)
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설거지 영어로 (Do the Dishes, Wash the Dishes, Washing Up, Dishwashing 차이와 뜻)
설거지는 영어로 맥락에 따라 do the dishes, wash the dishes, washing up 또는 dishwashing이라고 표현할 수 있습니다.설거지는 우리가 거의 매일매일 해야하는 대표적인 집안일 중 하나입니다. 어느 나라를 가든 마찬가지인데요, 그러면 영어권 국가 사람들은 설거지를 어떻게 표현하는지 아래에서 자세히 알아보도록 합시다.

1. the act of cleaning plates, pans, glasses, knives, forks, etc. after a meal…