• What is the day today?
  • What is the date today?




「Day」と「date」を聞く状況は日常生活の中でよくあります。 日本語も同じです。 日常生活をしていると、「今日はどんな日だろう?」「何曜日だろう?」「今日は何日?」などの時間や日を聞かれた経験が多いです。



Dayは、「Happy Birthday!」・「Valentine's Day」・「It's Christmas Day」などの特定の日(day)、記念日などに使用します。

つまり、ここで感じられる"day"のニュアンスは包括的で一日の概念を表現しています。 24 時間を 1 つの概念として説明しています。

それで日常の中で誰かが「What day is it today?」と質問したら、特定な曜日を言わなければなりません。

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday


(1) 曜日 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...)
(2) 特定な日 (day after tomorrow, three days ago ...)
(3) 記念日 (Mother's Day, Holiday...)

Examples of "Day"

  1. Which day did you say you were coming down on?
  2. There are no more days left before my delivery comes, and yet I haven’t heard anything about it!
  3. He made sure the days passed as quickly as possible.
  4. I need this done by Friday. Any other day is wrong.
  5. You should have that sent to you in about three days.



  • English: March 13th 2023
  • Japanese:2023年3月13日


つまり, one/two/three じゃなくて, the first (or 1st), the second (or 2nd), the third (or 3th) 、次は 4th, 5th··· と書けばいいです。


もう一度見ると、私は日/月/年の順に書きました。 上記で説明した正しい表記法、月/日/年の順序とは違いますが...

それは、私がイギリスの表記法で書いたからです。 同じ英語圏でもアメリカとイギリスでは表現の仕方が違います。

  • American: MM/DD/YYYY (03/13/2023)
  • British: DD/MM/YYYY (13/03/2023)

Examples of "Date"

  1. Which date did you say your wedding was on?
  2. My due date is coming up soon, and I can’t wait to see my baby girl.
  3. The date they’ve got written down here for the meeting is incorrect.
  4. This isn’t the right date! You actually need to see me on this one.
  5. My birthdate isn’t anything to write home about.

もっと確実に理解するために「day」、「date」を使って文章を作ってみてください! 自分で作った文章を質問して正しい答えが出れば、より確実にそのニュアンスを理解することができるでしょう。


Day vs. Date 차이점이 무엇일까?
“Day”의 뉘앙스는 포괄적이고 하루의 개념을 두루뭉술하게 표현하고 있습니다. 24시간을 하나의 큰 덩어리 개념으로 설명하고 있습니다. “Date”는 좀 더 구체적인 특정한 일자를 말하는 단어입니다. 즉, 오늘을 예시로 들자면 30th Jun 2023이라고 말할 수 있겠습니다.​
Day vs. Date - Difference Explained (Helpful Examples)
We can use both “day” and “date” to refer to specific points in time. However, the two words are not synonymous. We need to understand the main difference between them before we use them, and this article will talk you through what you need to know. What Is The Difference Between “Day” And “Date”? A…