「可愛すぎる」は英語で「Cuteness Overload」と言います。

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このフレーズは、状況の純粋な魅力や可愛らしさに圧倒されたときの感嘆詞として使用してください。 それは、非公式で表現的な文脈でうまく機能します。


  • Cuteness overload! The video of the playful kittens is just too adorable.


  • The heartwarming scene, with kids and puppies playing together, causes cuteness overload.


  • The sight of the baby panda rolling in the snow is enough to cause cuteness overload.


  • Look at that fluffy bunny! Cuteness overload!"


  • 🐶SNSで:Just stumbled upon a video of baby otters holding hands while floating in water — cuteness overload! My heart can't handle it.
  • 🐶ペットイベントで:Visited the local animal shelter today and witnessed a room full of kittens playing with tiny toys. Cuteness overload! Seriously considering adopting one.
  • 🐶家族集まりで:Our family reunion turned into a cuteness overload when my cousin brought her newborn twins. The whole room was filled with baby giggles and chubby cheeks.
  • 🐶動物園で:Spent the afternoon at the zoo watching baby pandas clumsily rolling around. Cuteness overload levels off the charts!"
出典: unsplash
  • 🐶ネイチャー·ドキュメンタリーで:Watched a nature documentary featuring fluffy baby penguins taking their first wobbly steps. Total cuteness overload — nature at its finest.
無料英文チェッカー / 英語校正 - Engram
Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。

Overloaded Cuteness

「Overloaded Cuteness」はまちがっったフレーズではないんですが、よく使われないので注意が必要です。


Cuteness Overload: 感嘆詞として考えてください。これは可愛すぎて魅力的な状況を表現するとき使用されます。

Overloaded Cuteness: 説明の表現として考えてください。可愛過ぎろことが普通のことをすぎて、ちょっと不正的な意味で使用されます。


「Cuteness Overload」の類義語
  • Adorable explosion:例)That puppy's playful antics are causing an adorable explosion of cuteness!
  • Heart-melting charm:例)The baby's laughter and chubby cheeks are a source of heart-melting charm.
「Overloaded Cuteness」の類義語
  • Excessive adorableness:例)The room was filled with the excessive adorableness of the kittens napping together.
  • Abundant charm:例)The playground was a scene of abundant charm with toddlers playing and giggling.


「Cuteness Overload」の同義語
  • Mildly cute:例)The photo of the baby elephant was cute, but it was just mildly cute compared to the panda cub.
  • Moderately charming:例)The kittens' playfulness was moderately charming, but it didn't quite reach the level of cuteness overload.
「Overloaded Cuteness」の同義語
  • Minimal adorableness:例)The solemn expression on the kitten's face reflected minimal adorableness.
  • Scarce charm:例)The painting had a certain artistic appeal, but there was a scarcity of charm in the overall composition.



  • Cute as a button
  • Sweet as a sugar


まとめて、「Cuteness overload」と「Overload cuteness」は両方可愛すぎることを表現しますが、ニュアンスに違いがあります。「Cuteness overload」は感嘆詞っとして、ポジティブな意味で使われ、「Overload cuteness」はその程度がすぎたと考えるとき説明のため使用される表現であります。




無料英文チェッカー / 英語校正 - Engram
Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。


How to Use Cuteness Overload vs. Overloaded Cuteness in a Sentence
Cuteness Overload is an exclamation used to convey an overwhelming, adorable, or charming experience. “Overloaded Cuteness” is a descriptive phrase implying an excessive or abundant presence of cuteness. On that note, it is not used as frequently, and might appear awkward to some people.
Cuteness Overload - TV Tropes
Cuteness Overload is the state in which a character experiences the immense rush of emotion after seeing (or hearing) something very, very cute, often rendering them partly or wholly incapacitated. The sudden charge of feelings could create so …