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もし、あなたが競走で勝った時、友達はそれをみて"Wow, you're amazing!"と言います。これは、 あなたが勝ったことに感嘆し・褒める意味を込めているため、complimentと表現できる状況です。

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Complement as a noun: The flowers were a perfect complement to the living room.
Complement as a verb: The beige curtains complement the color of the carpet nicely.
Compliment as a noun: She blushed at the compliment from the gentleman.
Compliment as a verb: The judge complimented Ryan’s violin playing.


If a friend says your outfit is cute, is that a complement or compliment?

正解は「Compliment」です。 友達はあなたの着ている服が可愛い(素敵)だと褒め言葉を言っているからです。

Say your waiter at a restaurant tells you that pepper goes well with the dish you ordered. Is he saying pepper compliments the dish or complements it?

上記の文章で正しい単語は、「Complements」です。 コショウをかけると、料理がもっとおいしくなる、つまりコショウによって食べ物の味が完璧(完成)になると言っています。



Practice questions

complementとcomplimentの使い方についてがまだ紛らわしいところがありますか? それでは、以下の文章で練習することをお勧めします。練習の後にもまだ理解できなかったり、確認が必要な文章があったりしたら、AIベースの自動英文法チェッカー「Engram」を試してみてください。

  1. I felt good because a stranger complemented/complimented my makeup.
  2. This playlist of songs does not complement/compliment the venue.
  3. This wine is a great complement/compliment to the steak.
  4. Bill grunted bashfully at my complement/compliment on his shoes.
  5. The teacher used documentaries to complement/compliment and augment her other teaching materials.
  6. The long dress complemented/complimented her tall figure.
  7. A watch is a great complement/compliment to a suit.
  8. My aunt complemented/complimented me on my new haircut.
  9. Mike always gets complements/compliments from others on his beautiful eyes.
  10. I meant it as a complement/compliment, but Shelly got offended instead.

Answer to practice questions:

  1. complimented
  2. complement
  3. complement
  4. compliment
  5. complement
  6. complemented
  7. complement
  8. complimented
  9. compliments
  10. compliment
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Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。


Complement vs. Compliment
Complement and compliment are two words with similar pronunciations, but they have different meanings. So what’s the difference? Complement means to complete something else or to enhance or improve it.