
もし、あなたが競走で勝った時、友達はそれをみて"Wow, you're amazing!"と言います。これは、 あなたが勝ったことに感嘆し・褒める意味を込めているため、complimentと表現できる状況です。

Complement as a noun: The flowers were a perfect complement to the living room.
Complement as a verb: The beige curtains complement the color of the carpet nicely.
Compliment as a noun: She blushed at the compliment from the gentleman.
Compliment as a verb: The judge complimented Ryan’s violin playing.
If a friend says your outfit is cute, is that a complement or compliment?
正解は「Compliment」です。 友達はあなたの着ている服が可愛い(素敵)だと褒め言葉を言っているからです。
Say your waiter at a restaurant tells you that pepper goes well with the dish you ordered. Is he saying pepper compliments the dish or complements it?
上記の文章で正しい単語は、「Complements」です。 コショウをかけると、料理がもっとおいしくなる、つまりコショウによって食べ物の味が完璧(完成)になると言っています。
Practice questions
complementとcomplimentの使い方についてがまだ紛らわしいところがありますか? それでは、以下の文章で練習することをお勧めします。練習の後にもまだ理解できなかったり、確認が必要な文章があったりしたら、AIベースの自動英文法チェッカー「Engram」を試してみてください。
- I felt good because a stranger complemented/complimented my makeup.
- This playlist of songs does not complement/compliment the venue.
- This wine is a great complement/compliment to the steak.
- Bill grunted bashfully at my complement/compliment on his shoes.
- The teacher used documentaries to complement/compliment and augment her other teaching materials.
- The long dress complemented/complimented her tall figure.
- A watch is a great complement/compliment to a suit.
- My aunt complemented/complimented me on my new haircut.
- Mike always gets complements/compliments from others on his beautiful eyes.
- I meant it as a complement/compliment, but Shelly got offended instead.
Answer to practice questions:
- complimented
- complement
- complement
- compliment
- complement
- complemented
- complement
- complimented
- compliments
- compliment
