The Cheese Stands Alone


例えば、他の全員が作業に貢献したが、1人が参加していないか除外されているチームプロジェクトを想像してみてください。この状況を見て誰か「In the end, everyone collaborated except for John; it seems like the cheese stands alone in this case.」と言うことができます。



この表現は「The farmer in the Dell」と言う伝統的な童謡と歌の遊びから来ました。この童謡はドイツから由来し、何世代にもわたって受け継がれています。


  1. The farmer in the dell,
  2. The farmer in the dell,
  3. Hi-ho, the derry-o,
  4. The farmer in the dell.

その後、「デル」のさまざまな登場人物と共に詩は続きます。それぞれが妻、子供、看護師、犬、猫、マウスなどの異なる農場生活の要素を表しています。 最後の一節は「The cheese stands alone.」という台詞で終わります。

童謡の正確な起源わ知られていませんが、ヨーロッパとアメリカの伝統で「The Farmer in the Dell」のバリエーションが発見されています。 「the cheese stands alone」という歌詞は、童謡を超えて持続し、認識できる表現になりました。時には、孤立したり独立したりするという考えを伝えるためにより広い文脈で使われることもあります。




  • After a long discussion, all the team members agreed on a plan for the project, but when it came to implementing it, the cheese stands alone, as no one volunteered to take responsibility.
  • At the party, everyone formed groups to chat and dance, leaving the shy newcomer feeling like the cheese stands alone in a room full of people.
  • "... The driver who has been allowed to cut in is now known as the guest.The guest, like the cheese, stands alone, and does not get a guest of her own. An analogy: if you were invited to spend the weekend at your cousin's house ..." - The New York Times
  • "When you're a fifty-five year old female stand up comic with no network support, no studio support, let me tell you, the cheese stands alone." - Huffington Post


  1. The odd one out.
  2. The lone wolf.
  3. The lone ranger.
  4. The solitary figure.
  5. The isolated element.
  6. The solo act.
  7. The single entity.
  8. The outlier.
  9. The stand-alone item.
  10. The singular presence.



  1. The team stands united.
  2. The flowers stand together.
  3. The puzzle pieces fit snugly.
  4. The group stands in solidarity.
  5. The family stands as one.
  6. The friends stand side by side.
  7. The community stands connected.
  8. The orchestra plays in harmony.
  9. The crowd stands as a whole.
  10. The elements stand intertwined.



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How to Use the Idiom “The Cheese Stands Alone” in Everyday Conversation
“The cheese stands alone” is used to describe a situation where someone or something is isolated, independent, or stands apart from the rest. A forewarning, this phrase is not used in everyday discourse.
The Farmer in the Dell - Wikipedia