「Check in」と「check-in」は、どちらも正しい表記・文法表現ですが、「check in」は「ホテルに泊まる」という意味の動詞で、「check-in」は「搭乗手続き」という意味の名詞です。 このブログでは、「check in」と「check-in」の違いを例示・練習問題とともに覚えてみましょう。

出典: Getty Images Signature

Check in (動詞)

Please check in at the front desk to receive your room key.

上記の例では、話し手はフロントデスクから"check in"という特定の動詞を実行するように言っています。"Check in"は動詞として使われているので、ハイフンを使わないのが正しい表現です。

My boss will check in with our team in two weeks, so be prepared.


My uncle checked in on us before going off to the airport.

ここでは「checked in」、つまり「check in」の過去時制を使いました。名詞と形容詞は過去時制が存在しないので、動詞の形で使われたことがわかり、ハイフンは必要ありません。

You can check in online for your flight with that airline.

話し手は、聞き手に「check in」が可能と話しています。助動詞「can」の次に「check in」がついて来ることから動詞であることが分かり、したがってハイフンは必要ありません。

Did you check in your baggage yet?

上記の文章は、「did」が最初に来る疑問文なので「check in」は動詞として使われました。ハイフンは要りません。

Check-in (名詞)

The check-in at the hotel is at 3 PM, which is later than we hoped.


You can get the meal pass at check-in.
I think we should ask that to the hotel staff at check-in.


Check-in for the 8:00 AM flight to Singapore will now begin.


My manager said she wanted to do a quick check-in with me later in the afternoon.


Check-in (形容詞的な用法)

The check-in time cannot be changed, but you can extend your check-out time in some cases.


The check-in process can get long, so be sure to arrive at the airport early.


The check-in paperwork took only five minutes to fill out.


I got a check-in verification text about 15 minutes after we checked in.


Please take your luggage to the check-in desk, and the staff will assist you.


出典: Getty Images Signature


  1. Abraham will check in/check-in on the patient every day to see if her vitals are stable.
  2. Mrs. Summers and her husband wanted to check in/check-in early, but the hotel staff said she had to wait until the check in/check-in time, 2 PM.
  3. There was a long line at the check in/check-in desk, so we decided to shop a little and then come back.
  4. The senior developer will check in/check-in with you twice a week to check your progress.
  5. Did Sonia fill out the check in/check-in form herself or did she have her guardian fill it out?
  6. Michael did the check in/check-in process online to save time at the airport.
  7. The landowner wants to check in/check-in tomorrow at the construction site and get updates from the supervisor.
  8. When did you check in/check-in at the hotel?
  9. The information should be in the check in/check-in confirmation email.
  10. Please check in/check-in when you are finished with the examination.


  1. check in
  2. check in, check-in
  3. check-in
  4. check in
  5. check-in
  6. check-in
  7. check in
  8. check in
  9. check-in
  10. check in


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Engramの無料英文チェッカーと英文校正ツールを使用して、翻訳機の物足りない結果を校正・添削してみましょう。 文法、正書法の誤りとあいまいな英語表現をAIが自然に校正します。


Check in vs. Check-in
Both check in and check-in are the correct spellings. To check in means to register someone when they arrive at a hotel or airport. Check-in is the act of registering and reporting one’s presence, typically done at an airport or hotel.