「Bear with me」と「bare with me」のうちで、「bear with me」が正しい表現です。「Bear」はendure、withstand、acceptもしくはtolerateなどで表現される「耐える」という意味の動詞です。一方、「bare」は、reveal、exposeなどの「表す」という意味を持つ動詞です。したがって、「with me」と一緒に使かうことができる動詞は「bear」です。「Bare with me」は、間違った文法となります。
何かに対して忍耐が必要とする際に、「bear with me」といった表現を使うことができます。 もし看護師が患者にインフルエンザの予防接種をすると仮定してみましょう。看護師は患者に「This may hurt. Please bear with me for a bit.」と言うことができます。つまり、「bear 」は、少しだけ我慢してほしいという意味で使われました。

以下には、bear with meで表現された様々な例示があります。
The lecture will be long. Please bear with me for a while.
Bear with me while I fix your computer. It’ll be done soon.
Could you bear with me while I try to figure out how to use this device?
I asked Clint to bear with me while we tried to work our way through the tight crowd.
When to use 'bear' and 'bare'
I can’t bear to see Don go.
Martha bared her arm, which was covered in tattoos.
Can you bear responsibility for the damage that was done?
The dog bared its teeth, revealing his sharp canine teeth.
Other definitions of 'bear' and 'bare'
Other definitions of bear:
(1) Bear (noun): type of mammal
(2) Bear (verb): give birth to an offspring
(3) Bear (verb): to turn
(4) Bear (verb): carrying or having
Other definitions of bare:
(1) Bare (adj): unconcealed or not clothed
(2) Bare (adj): missing or devoid of something
(3) Bare (adj): simple, only sufficient

- Rita could not bear/bare to see her son suffer any longer.
- I will bear/bare my secrets if you tell me yours.
- Male peacocks bear/bare their beautiful feathers in hopes of attracting mates.
- Could you bear/bare not using your phone for a week?
- The cat bore/bared its claws in response to the aggressive dog.
- Austin bore/bared all the responsibility for the failed project.
- Melody will bear/bare through all the pain and suffering that comes with childbirth.
- I knew that Eddie could not bear/bare losing popularity.
- Kerry bore/bared his leg, which had a deep scar.
- Can you bear/bare Gretchen’s shrill, piercing voice?
- bear
- bare
- bare
- bear
- bared
- bore
- bear
- bear
- bared
- bear
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